Our Process

Career Planning

We follow a systematic, concise, student friendly four step process, evolved keeping our values of transparency, relationship building and confidentiality at the core.

  • Step 1


    Self-exploration/ self-discovery with the help of a psychometric assessment. The assessment sets forth an in-depth analysis of the personality type, strengths and weakness, the career interests (RAISEC model), career values or motivators, the learning style and your skills and abilities. This then forms the fundamental basis for mapping.

  • Step 2

    Career Exploration

    Career Exploration with our avante-garde AI platform. This advanced system maps the your psychometric profile developed in stage one, against thousands of options to give you your perfect fit!

  • Step 3

    Identifying the most suitable career path

    Identifying the most suitable career path. This is the most significant part of the process that involves a comprehensive multidimensional counselling session. The career pathways are analysed to arrive at the most suitable career pathway such that it unlocks your passion and potential and propels it onto a path of success and fulfillment.

  • Step 4

    Execution Plan/ Road-Map

    Execution Plan/ Road-map: Having set the educational goal, this step involves reverse engineering to achieve the desired goals in the most optimized manner with milestones in terms of proficiency , assessments/ tests , preparation required and the timelines for each.

To Know More About Our Process, Call Us Now !